wind deflector, side door windows, Fiat Ducato (1990 - 1994)

(set) ClimAir

wind deflector, side door windows, Fiat Ducato (1990 - 1994)
wind deflector, side door windows, Fiat Ducato (1990 - 1994)
wind deflector, side door windows, Fiat Ducato (1990 - 1994)
79,95 *Prices include VAT
Article code05119907002
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Climair side wind deflectors, with a perfect fit, offer many advantages.
> A sporty and/or elegant look.
> Much less to no annoying whistling when the side windows are open
> No sore neck or shoulders due to the draught
> No incoming rainwater when driving with (partially) open side windows.
> The side windows stay clean for longer.
> Extra protection against glare from low sun from the side.
> The solution for contact lens wearers who suffer from dry eyes when using the air conditioning.
> Also very suitable for electrically operated windows.

Product information
  • Supplier: ClimAir
  • Supplier article number: CL45120
  • Barcode (EAN): 4011283007156
  • Acrylic
  • Front window dimensions; 565 mm height x 485 mm
  • Width installation level: advanced
  • Packaging: box
  • Own weight: approx.


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Brand ClimAir

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